A meteor or a sleepy planet, your choice.
- Jack London
Fall Dreams by Laurie Rohner |
I like to read self-help books and listen to life coaches who promote solutions. Unfortunately many say their method will make you wealthy, promote abundance, or let you achieve your purpose and they never deliver. Yes it works for them because you just gave them your cold cash to find out how. When the results prove to be less than what was stated you are told you did not get to the source of what was blocking you from being fill in the______ . I find this really infuriating and I am sure you do too. What I have learned from these people is one small thing. We are what we think we are.
Look in the mirror I mean look at yourself hard and long. What image do you see? Think about it and go get some paper and pen. Go back to the mirror and as you look at your image jot down the thoughts and images that pop into your head. Finished? Now go sit down somewhere and list what was negative and positive on two pieces of paper. On a third piece of paper write down who you want to be. Take the first 2 sheets of paper and burn them and as they burn say to your self these were just an illusion of who I am. Take the third piece of paper and put it up on the mirror and say this is me and every day I am a better me. See life is nothing more than our own perception of an illusion and at any given time we can reclaim who we are at the core of our being. Our spirit.
I would definitely rather be a superb meteor then a sleepy and dull planet. That's just me.